Friday, 13 December 2013


Today, I did a quick calculation on the eBook and paperback sales made so far from A TEST OF TIME and realised we had approximately £50 (subject to exchange rate when payments come through).

Since I wanted to help prior to Christmas I decided to spend the money before amazon pay up... and got in touch with FOODBANK. It's fantastic to go in person and see the storage facilities they have and the work they do. The paperbacks have also arrived so I have stocked at GURNARD'S NEWSAGENTS, and given some to Foodbank to sell.

So, I managed to buy the entire stock Sainsbury's had of Steamed puddings, Tinned potatoes, and 27 cans of canned spaghetti... these are the items they most needed. So, here is a picture of me holding the book, whilst showing the food bought and donated. Next to me is Hannah King, the manager of the Cowes Foodbank branch on the Isle of Wight.

I spent £68.15 - confident that we will reach and surpass that target!

Please download the book as an eBook if you have not done so... at under £2 this is a great price - and 70% will be donated (thank you Amazon KDP).

Or, if you prefer paper... please buy the book from Amazon or Barnes & Noble, where over a £1/ $1.50 will go towards this worthy cause.

The website for FOODBANK gives more information on the charity.

I consider myself to be extremely fortunate compared to the hardships other families face and hope that this small donation goes a long way.

Thank you and MERRY CHRISTMAS.

All the best,

Vanessa Wester


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